Occupational Safety and Health Committee
The company has established an Occupational Safety and Health Management
Committee in accordance with Articles 10 to 12 of the Occupational Safety and
Health Management Regulations. The Occupational Safety and Health Committee
provides recommendations on safety and health policies and management systems
formulated by the company and reviews, coordinates, and advises on safety and
health-related matters. The committee's organization includes the Chairperson
(Director), Executive Secretary (Head of the Management Department), and
members (department heads/ labor representatives/Document Management Center
attendees/Occupational Safety and Health Committee members and business
supervisors). Labor representatives are selected by employees. Currently, the
selected labor representatives are 3 people, management representatives are 11
people, totaling 14 people, with labor representatives accounting for 21% of the
committee. The committee holds meetings once every quarter to jointly discuss,
coordinate, plan, and make decisions on occupational safety and health-related
issues with management, ensuring employee participation, consultation, and
Occupational Safety and Health Committee Organizational Structure