Climate change and carbon management

Deco Circle

Management Policy

Reason for the Issue's Importance

To align with the government's 2050 net-zero carbon emissions target, greenhouse gas inventory and emissions have been identified as a Major Issue.

Impact and Influence

  • Economic Potential Negative Impact:
    1. To meet the government's net-zero carbon target, introducing low-carbon investments, whether by replacing energyintensive equipment or implementing a circular economy, will increase operating expenses and raise product prices.
    2. Since our company's products are exported to Europe and the United States, facing the implementation of a carbon tax system at export destinations will increase production costs.
  • Corporate Image Potential Positive Impact: Reducing carbon emissions can lower the carbon footprint of products, enhancing the competitiveness of our products in the market.
  • Environmental Potential Positive Impact: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and being environmentally friendly


Our company proactively conducted an ISO 14064 greenhouse gas inventory in 2021 and passed the third-party verification unit's audit to confirm the accuracy of the inventory data. Since 2021, we have arranged for an annual greenhouse gas inventory to confirm whether our company's greenhouse gas inventory data shows a decreasing trend year by year.

Goals and Targets

(Using 2022 as the baseline year for the greenhouse gas inventory)
Short-term Goals: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8% compared to the baseline year by 2023.
Mid-term Goals: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% compared to the baseline year by 2025.
Long-term Goals: Achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Management Evaluation Mechanism

Our company conducts effectiveness evaluations of PDCA annually, focusing on the environment and greenhouse gas emissions, according to ISO 14001 and ISO 14064 internal audits and management review procedures.

Performance and Adjustments

In comparison to 2021, our company reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 12.04% in 2023.
At the end of 2023, we installed an energy management detection system on high-energy-consuming equipment in the onsite work area. This system aims to identify high-energy-consuming equipment for replacement, thereby achieving our carbon reduction targets.

Preventive or Remedial Measures

Progressively initiate the replacement of outdated and energy-intensive equipment and accelerate green procurement. Introduce environmentally friendly production materials such as PLA eco-friendly alternative materials and eco-friendly inks to effectively reduce carbon emissions during operations, achieving true green manufacturing.
Deco Circle

Climate Change-Related Financial Disclosure

Our company, while continuing to innovate and provide high-quality products to customers, aims to become a green supply chain by implementing environmental sustainability policies and vision. We aspire to achieve a 25% reduction in carbon emissions by 2025 compared to the 2021. Our strategies and implementation plans are as follows:

Governance Unit

The GHG Inventory Team is established by the Director, who is appointed by the TNP Chairman. The team members are responsible for gathering information and planning carbon reduction initiatives, which are executed by various business units. The board of directors supervises this function.

Risk Category

Replacing energy-consuming equipment and purchasing green raw materials will increase operational costs.
Customer demands for low-carbon services increase carbon reduction costs.
Extreme weather conditions lead to raw material shortages or difficulties in shipping

Opportunity Category

Replacing energy-consuming equipment for energy savings and carbon reduction.
Using recycled and reusable raw materials to achieve sustainable cycles.
Developing low-carbon products to expand market service range.
Enhancing corporate image and increasing company value.


When facing the risks and opportunities brought by climate change, TNP has formulated corresponding operational strategies:
  • Short-Term Operational Strategy:Plan to monitor and inventory energy-consuming equipment. Implement waste classification to reduce waste volume. Promote water and electricity conservation across the plant.
  • Mid-Term Operational Strategy:Plan to replace or improve energy-consuming equipment. Implement ISO 50001 energy management system. Install energy storage equipment and use solar green energy.
  • Long-Term Operational Strategy:Develop renewable raw materials. Use ISO 14001 environmental management system. Implement ISO 14064 greenhouse gas inventory and ISO 50001 energy management system to find opportunities for sustainable improvement. Strive to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 to meet national and international requirements.

Risk Management

The company has formulated emergency response guidelines for risks brought by extreme weather conditions such as power outages, floods, typhoons, infectious diseases, and earthquakes. The company plans to conduct regular emergency response drills to ensure preparedness in the event of a disaster. These emergency response guidelines are available for stakeholders to review but are not published on the company’s official website.

Indicators and Targets

Climate change impacts the Earth significantly, and under global advocacy, Taiwan has set a goal for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. TNP has aligned with this ultimate goal and set an interim target to reduce carbon emissions by 25% by 2025 compared to 2021.
To achieve this, starting at the end of 2023, TNP has taken the following measures:
  • Monitoring the energy use of high-energy-consuming equipment and improving or replacing the most energy-consuming ones to achieve energy savings and carbon reduction.
  • Accelerating green procurement by introducing environmentally friendly materials like PLA and eco-friendly inks to reduce carbon emissions during operations, achieving green manufacturing.
  • Planning to construct a new green plant equipped with energy storage systems and solar panels to use green energy, reducing reliance on purchased electricity and carbon emissions.
Short-term GoalsMid-term GoalsLong-term Goals
  • Monitor and inventory energy-consuming equipment
  • Implement waste sorting to reduce waste volume
  • Promote water and electricity conservation throughout the plant
  • Replace or improve energy-consuming equipment
  • Implement ISO 50001 Energy Management System
  • Plan to add energy storage equipment
  • Plan to use solar green electricity
  • Develop renewable materials
  • Continue seeking sustainable improvement opportunities through ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ISO 14064, Greenhouse Gas Inventory, and ISO 50001 Energy Management System
  • Achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

Financial Impact

Our company currently serves a diverse customer base, including several in Europe, and may face carbon tariffs from various countries in the future, leading to increased operational costs due to climate change.
Although our current greenhouse gas emissions are between 1,000 tons CO2e and 1,500 tons CO2e, which is not subject to national carbon taxes, we must plan to replace energy-intensive equipment, develop environmentally friendly alternative raw materials, and use some green energy to reduce carbon emissions.

Carbon Pricing Basis

Our company currently does not have an internal carbon pricing tool.

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Plan

Our company has been proactively conducting greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories since 2022 and disclosing the results on the public information website. Post-inventory, we engage a third-party verification unit to ensure the accuracy of our data through ISO 14064- 1:2018 GHG verification. Data collection for the 2023 GHG emissions began in January 2024, and third-party verification is scheduled for May. We expect to receive the ISO 14064-1:2018 GHG verification certificate by June 2024.

Assurance/V erification Agency

  1. ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System certification was obtained in 2023.
  2. ISO 14064-1:2018 Greenhouse Gas Verification Certificate was obtained in 2023.
  3. The company plans to implement the ISO 50001 Energy Management System.