Air pollution management

Deco Circle

Management Policy

Reason for the Issue's Importance

After the ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas inventory, it was found that indirect emissions from energy, specifically the purchased electricity for the entire plant, account for over 90% of the total emissions in categories one and two. Therefore, the company places great emphasis on energy usage.

Impact and Influence

  • Economic Potential Negative Impact:
    1. Excessive national electricity consumption and insufficient power supply leading to increased electricity costs, thus increasing production costs.
    2. To achieve the policy 2050 net-zero emissions target, implementing the replacement of energy-consuming equipment, and using environmentally friendly raw materials to reduce carbon emissions, which increases operating costs and expenses through green investment.
  • Environmental Potential Positive Impact: Using energyefficient equipment and green investments can effectively reduce electricity costs and greenhouse gas emissions, achieving an ecofriendly environment.
  • Actual positive human/human rights impact: All raw material suppliers and cooperating manufacturers are required to comply with government regulations prohibiting the use of banned substances in raw materials, ensuring adherence to regulations.


At the end of 2023, the company began monitoring energy usage for high-energy-consuming equipment. Once monitoring is complete, the most energy-consuming equipment will be improved or replaced to achieve energy conservation and carbon reduction.
Additionally, the company started planning the installation of solar panels and energy storage equipment in new factories to use selfgenerated green electricity, reducing the reliance on purchased electricity and carbon emissions.

Goals and Targets

  • Short-term Goals: Complete inventory of high-energy-consuming equipment and implement energy monitoring. Plans to gradually replace high-energy-consuming equipment, such as heater presses, air compressors, and light bulbs, aiming to reduce electricity consumption by 1% annually.
  • Mid-term Goals: Plan to replace or improve high-energy-consuming equipment, introduce ISO 50001 energy management system, add energy storage equipment, and use solar green electricity.
  • Long-term Goals: Develop recyclable raw materials, and utilize ISO 14001 environmental management system, ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas inventory, and ISO 50001 energy management system to identify sustainable improvement opportunities.

Management Evaluation Mechanism

Planning to introduce ISO 50001 energy management system to enhance energy performance, and every year conduct PDCA's effectiveness evaluation targeting ISO 14001 environmental management system and ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas inventory

Performance and Adjustments

Installed an energy management system in the factory area by the end of 2023 to identify and replace high-energy-consuming equipment to achieve carbon reduction targets.

Preventive or Remedial Measures

Continuously implement plans to replace old and energyconsuming equipment and accelerate green procurement.
Deco Circle

Greenhouse Gas Emission Statistics

Our company began implementing greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory checks in 2021, alongside third-party verification to ensure the accuracy and validity of the data. This practice has continued annually, with 2022 established as TNP's GHG inventory baseline year. In 2023, the direct and indirect GHG emissions were reduced by approximately 12.04% compared to 2021.

Greenhouse Gas Emission Status of TNP Over the Past Three Years

Quantitative IndicatorsUnit202120222023
Category 1: Direct Greenhouse Gas EmissionsMetric Tons CO₂e51.196055.8050110.7156
Category 2: Indirect Greenhouse Gas EmissionsMetric Tons CO₂e1438.96301207.36441,200.0582
Total Emissions = Category 1 + Category 2 + Category 4Metric Tons CO₂e1490.15901263.16941310.7738
Organization-Specific Measurement Value (Revenue in Hundreds of Millions)Metric Tons CO₂e570.765519.781668.281
Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity (Based on Total of Categories 1 + 2 + 4)Metric Tons CO₂e2.61082.43021.9614
  1. Category 1 addresses direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the company, including stationary combustion sources, process emissions, mobile combustion from transportation, and fugitive emission sources. Emission factors are calculated based on the latest data 6.0.4 version announced by the Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs (IPCC Sixth Assessment Report).
  2. Category 2 refers to emissions between energy sources, such as purchased electricity.
  3. Types of greenhouse gases include: Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6), and Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3).
  4. Purchased electricity refers to the carbon emission coefficients announced by the Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs: 〮 2021 electricity carbon emission coefficient = 0.509 kgCO2e/kWh 〮 2022 electricity carbon emission coefficient = 0.495 kgCO2e/kWh 〮 2023 electricity carbon emission coefficient = 0.494 kgCO2e/kWh.
The company's refrigeration equipment uses R22, andthe refrigerant filling amountis recorded as follows:

Ozone-Depleting Substances Used by the Company in the Past Three Years

Name of Ozone-Depleting SubstanceUnit202120222023
R22Metric Tons CO₂e0.2600.4000.250
Ozone-depleting substances include Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), R11, R12, R22, Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), Halons, Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4), 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, Hydrobromofluorocarbon (HBFC), and Methyl Bromide.
Deco Circle

Energy Consumption

The energy consumption of the company over the past three years is shown in the table below:

TNP Company Energy Usage Over the Past Three Years

Quantitative IndicatorsUnit202120222023
Electricity UsagekWh/year2,827,0402,439,1202,424,360
Gasoline UsageL/year6,387.586,223.666,344.33
Diesel UsageL/year3743.32242190
Total Energy UsageGJ10,517.368,992.458,941.43
Organization- Specific MetricUnitRevenue (Million NTD)Revenue (Million NTD) Revenue (Million NTD) 
Organization- Specific Metric ValueRevenue (Million NTD)570.765519.781668.281
Energy IntensityGJ/Organizational Metric Value18.4317.3013.38
  1. Conversion factor for electricity: 1 kWh = 0.0036 GJ.
  2. Coefficients are based on the EPA's Gas Emission Coefficient Management Table 6.0.4 version and the Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guide May 2022 version, with fuel heat values calculated as follows: gasoline 7,800 kcal/L; diesel 8,400 kcal/L; 1 kcal = 4.1868 kJ.
Deco Circle

Energy-Saving Achievements

Currently, the company's specific action plans for energy saving and carbon reduction are as follows. In addition to the established carbon reduction strategies, when the company starts the greenhouse gas inventory projects from Category 3 to Category 6 in the future, the focus will be on the concept of reducing the product's carbon footprint, thereby helping to reduce carbon emissions on the client side.
  1. From mid-November 2023, printing night shift personnel start earlier and install split air conditioners in other night shift work units, allowing the central air conditioning system to rest briefly and reduce energy consumption from electricity use.
  2. In 2024, the heating system of press machine No. 2 will be modified to match that of machine No. 3 to achieve energy savings and carbon reduction. It is estimated that this change will save approximately 100 kWh per day, totaling about 25,000 kWh or 90 GJ annually.
  3. From the perspectives of air conditioning systems, electric lighting, and other electricity usage, implement energy-saving measures:
    1. Replace traditional T5 fluorescent lamps with LED T5 lamps in the plant, saving 90,360.9 kWh/year (325.30 GJ), reducing electricity costs by approximately 42.5%.
    2. Remove the 60-ton chilled water air conditioning system and replace it with air-cooled air conditioning equipment, saving 559 kWh per hour, totaling 203,476 kWh per year (732.51 GJ), reducing electricity costs by approximately 20.3%.
    3. Adjust air compressors to frequency conversion equipment.
    4. Change air conditioning in the production area to VRV type, controlling temperature settings.
    5. Replace old water-cooled air conditioners in the office with energy-efficient grade 1 split air conditioners.
    6. Fill in the fish pond in the plant area to reduce water usage.
    7. Implement online DCN approval and establish a digital engineering system.
  4. In 2022, total electricity consumption was 537,120 kWh. In 2023, total electricity consumption was 401,280 kWh, resulting in a total electricity saving of 135,840 kWh (489.02 GJ), a decrease of 25.29% in electricity usage.