Stakeholder section

Deco Circle

Stakeholder Communication

TNP's deep communication with stakeholders is the foundation of sustainable operations. Through effective communication, we understand stakeholder concerns. We continuously establish channels and respond to issues in company meetings. We aim to gather stakeholder opinions through various channels and plan to create a sustainability section on our website to enhance communication.

Considering that stakeholder identification and communication are the foundation of implementing corporate sustainability, TNP adopts the AA1000 SES Stakeholder Engagement Standards based on the five principles of dependency, responsibility, influence, diverse perspectives, and tension. We reference GRI guidelines and other industries to identify potential stakeholders,
including shareholders, banks, government organizations, employees, customers, business partners, suppliers, communities/ local groups, NGOs, social welfare organizations, academic and industry-university cooperation units. External experts score the actual negative impact, potential negative impact, actual positive impact, and potential positive impact on stakeholders, ranking them to identify key stakeholders for 2023 whose overall score exceeds 10 points after considering the results of 26 questionnaires completed by senior management.

Based on questionnaire results and meeting discussions, TNP and external experts review and consider GRI guidelines. The Director decides the stakeholder categories, and the results are reported to the board of directors. The five identified stakeholder groups are customers, employees and other workers, shareholders/other investors, suppliers/ contractors, and the government.
Deco Circle

Stakeholder Communication Channels and Effectiveness